We organize here the most varied free courses on the best platforms in Brazil.
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Click on the name of the institution and you will be taken to the institution's page.
Educational WR (Basic level courses, free, courses aimed at professional improvement.
SENAR EAD (Courses focused on agribusiness and production systems)
SFB (Brazilian Forest Service - Courses on acai, Chestnut and managements in forest ecosystems)
MMA EAD (Courses of the Ministry of the Environment)
IICA (Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, Spanish Courses on Cocoa, Coffee and others)
Campo Limpo System (Inpev course on reverse logistics of pesticide packaging)
ANPI (National Association of inoculant producers and importers - Course on FBN)
UFRB EAD (Federal University of Reconcavo da Bahia courses in the most diverse areas)
IFRS EAD (Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul courses in the most diverse areas. Highlight for courses on food, calculation, physics, waste management, viticulture and sustainable rural development)
ASTROFISICA UFSC (Course on astrophysics and astronomy at the Federal University of Santa Catarina - Certificate issuance is paid but students and teachers can apply for exemption)
EMBRAPA EAD (Embrapa courses in several areas)
Fundação Bradesco (Courses in administration, finance, basic education, among others)
ANA (National water agency courses focused on irrigation and environmental education certified by Unesp)
FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization - Courses in English and Spanish)
Attention: SFB and MMA EAD sites take a long time to open courses so it is important to follow, as they are government sites from time to time, they are also down.